Battery Reserve Capacity Chart

A good reserve capacity in a battery is the amount of time a fully charged battery can sustain a specific load without discharging below a certain voltage. Typically, the reserve capacity of a battery is measured in minutes and is an important factor to consider when choosing a battery for your application.

Battery Reserve Capacity Chart

Battery Type Terminal Type Reserve Capacity
Model 6-D Side Post 140
Model 6-D Top Post 150
Model 4-D Side Post 130
Model 4-D Top Post 140
Model 35 Side Post 125
Model 35 Top Post 135
Model 24 Side Post 120
Model 24 Top Post 130

How do you calculate battery reserve capacity?

To calculate the reserve capacity of a battery, you need to perform a discharge test. The discharge test involves applying a constant load to the battery until it reaches a predetermined voltage. The time it takes for the battery to reach that voltage is the reserve capacity. For example, if a battery is discharged to 10.5 volts over a period of 140 minutes, the reserve capacity of the battery is 140 minutes.

What does a 140 reserve capacity mean in a battery?

A reserve capacity of 140 means that the battery can sustain a specific load for 140 minutes before discharging below a certain voltage. This value is an indication of the battery’s ability to provide power in case of a power outage or when the primary power source is unavailable.

What does 180 RC mean on a battery?

A reserve capacity of 180 RC means that the battery can sustain a specific load for 180 minutes before discharging below a certain voltage. This value is important to consider when choosing a battery for applications that require backup power, such as emergency lighting, security systems, and medical equipment.

In conclusion, understanding the reserve capacity of a battery is crucial when choosing the right battery for your application. A battery reserve capacity chart can help you compare different batteries and choose the one that meets your power needs. When selecting a battery, it is important to consider your power requirements, application, and budget.

About the author, Phil Borges

Phil Borges is a battery aficionado. He's written extensively about batteries, and he loves nothing more than discussing the latest innovations in the industry. He has a deep understanding of how batteries work, and he's always on the lookout for new ways to improve their performance.